Hi, is it possible to export an already imported point cloud into a e57? Currently we can only see point clouds in "Octtree" format. We are using version 6.0.1.
Thank you.,
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Bert Azizogluposted
about 9 hours ago
Hi Michael,
1. You should definitely switch to the latest version of NUBIGON v710. You can download it here.
2. You can’t export Octrees as point clouds. Exporting makes sense for example if you’ve decimated an octree inside NUBIGON. Currently, LAS and XYZ are the supported export formats.
3. Keep in mind that NUBIGON’s point cloud visualization cannot be replicated in third-party software by exporting the point cloud. What’s your specific use case or motivation for exporting?
Hi, is it possible to export an already imported point cloud into a e57? Currently we can only see point clouds in "Octtree" format. We are using version 6.0.1.
Thank you.,
0 Votes
Bert Azizoglu posted about 9 hours ago Admin
Hi Michael,
1. You should definitely switch to the latest version of NUBIGON v710. You can download it here.
2. You can’t export Octrees as point clouds. Exporting makes sense for example if you’ve decimated an octree inside NUBIGON. Currently, LAS and XYZ are the supported export formats.
3. Keep in mind that NUBIGON’s point cloud visualization cannot be replicated in third-party software by exporting the point cloud. What’s your specific use case or motivation for exporting?
Looking forward to your response!
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