Hi Lorenzo, you will notice that x-ray produces clean renders with all kinds of point clouds. Bu x-ray is a display mode, not a cleaning tool.
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Lorenzo Gregorisposted
3 months ago
Hi! Is it possible to use the x-ray mode to clean the point clouds now?
0 Votes
almost 2 years ago
ah! ok, thanks!
0 Votes
Bert Azizogluposted
almost 2 years ago
Please use File > Open Point Clouds to open point clouds and make use of to advanced visualization features. It seems like you used File > Import, which is solely for point cloud cleaning.
loaded a LAS pointcloud with colors, wanted to test x-ray mode... but cannot find the toggle box
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0 Votes
Bert Azizoglu posted 3 months ago Admin
Hi Lorenzo, you will notice that x-ray produces clean renders with all kinds of point clouds. Bu x-ray is a display mode, not a cleaning tool.
0 Votes
Lorenzo Gregoris posted 3 months ago
Hi! Is it possible to use the x-ray mode to clean the point clouds now?
0 Votes
eytanmann posted almost 2 years ago
ah! ok, thanks!
0 Votes
Bert Azizoglu posted almost 2 years ago Admin
Please use File > Open Point Clouds to open point clouds and make use of to advanced visualization features. It seems like you used File > Import, which is solely for point cloud cleaning.
0 Votes
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