Keyboard shortcuts

Modified on Mon, 12 Feb at 2:44 PM


Right arrowMoves the indicator to the next frame
Left arrowMoves the indicator to the previous frame
SHIFT + left-click & dragSnaps the indicator or keyframes to ruler lines
IInserts keyframe
KLaunches Set keyframe interpolation menu
CTRL + left click on keyframesTo toggle keyframe selection
CTRL + A Selects all keyframes
DELDeletes selected keyframes
SPACEPlays and pauses preview of the animation
Copy selected keyframes
Paste keyframes

Select, manage & view objects

ALT + left-click
To select objects in the viewport
ALT + SHIFT + left-click or 
ALT + CTRL + left-click
To toggle object selection in the viewport
CTRL + GCreates a group object
CTRL + DClones selected objects
Switches the active scene camera to the selected one
F5Top view of selected objects
F6Right view of selected objects 
F7Front view of selected objects 
FFocus on selected objects (top view)


Press & hold XActivates polyline drawing
Press & hold HActivates horizontal distance measurement
Press & hold VActivates vertical distance measurement
Press & hold PActivates polygonal area measurement
Press & hold RActivates rectangular area measurement
Press & hold CActivates cleaning brush


CTRL + SSave scene
CTRL + LLoad scene
CTRL + ZUndo
CTRL + YRedo
DELDeletes selected objects in the Object List, materials in the Material Editor, or keyframes in the Animation window
F9Enters full-screen mode
ESCDisables the active tool or exits full-screen mode