
Modified on Mon, 11 Mar at 3:08 PM


Font size: Size of locator text in points.

Margin: Margin of locator text in points.

Text color: Color of locator text. 

Background color: Color of locator background. 

Back-face opacity: Opacity of back-facing locators. 

Fade-out in distance: Check this box so that locators fade out and ultimately disappear as the viewer moves away from them. 

Start distance: Distance from the viewer where the locator begins to fade out. 

Range: Range between the fade-out start distance and where locators disappear entirely.


Font size: Size of descriptor text in points.

Margin: Margin of descriptor text in points.

Text color: Color of descriptor text.

Background color: Color of descriptor background.

Background opacity: Opacity of descriptor background.

Learn more about annotations.