Project manager overview

Modified on Tue, 23 Jan at 11:00 AM

To manage your projects, press File > Project Manager

Default Project

When NUBIGON launches for the first time, a default project with the name NUBIGON will be created in your Documents folder.

If you are using Microsoft OneDrive as a backup for your Documents folder, NUBIGON’s default location for projects will be in OneDrive’s synced folders. Since this might cause errors while opening point clouds, make sure to create a new project on your local drive as described below. 

Create New Project

When you open the Project Manager, only the current project is displayed. To create a new project: 

  • Click the New button. The text boxes will turn active, and the Current project text box will print “New project”. You can enter another name for your project. 
  • Click the browse icon to choose another location for the new project. When you are finished, click Accept button to create the project.

Set Project

When you open the Project Manager, only the current project is displayed. To switch to another project, click the Set button. Choose your project folder in the file dialogue and click Select Folder.

Change Temporary Files Location

Temporary files are created while processing point clouds to octrees. As a best practice, we recommend assigning your secondary drive as the location for Temporary files.