Do's & don'ts of project management

Modified on Tue, 23 Jan at 12:55 PM

1. Avoid backing up your project folder on the cloud

The octrees are optimized for high-performance rendering on local devices. Automatically syncing octrees to the cloud can corrupt files and cause errors. Therefore, we recommend using alternative offline backup solutions. 

2. Create a new project if your Documents folder is synced to the cloud

NUBIGON's default project is created in the Documents folder. If you use Microsoft OneDrive as a backup for your Documents folder, NUBIGON’s default project location will be synced to the cloud as well. Since this might cause errors while opening point clouds, make sure to create a new project on your local drive.

3. Do not modify your octrees

Newly generated octrees are stored within the "octrees" folder of your current project. 

To ensure proper functioning, please do not: 

  • rename or reorganize folders in the "octrees" folder
  • move octrees to another location 

If you need to move files to manage disk space, move the entire project. 

If you have accidentally moved an octree already, please move it back to its original location.

4. To open octrees from another project, set that project first

Octrees can only be opened from the project they were created in. To open an octree created in another project, first, revert to that project with Set Project and then open your octree.  


  • Octree X is generated in project A
  • User switches to project B to work on other tasks
  • To open octree X again, the user sets project A and opens octree X

5. To load scenes from another project, set that project first

To load a scene file (*.na) created in another project, first, revert to that project with Set Project and then load your scene.