Launch the Cross Section window from the sidebar and activate the Plane checkbox.
We offer several ways to define a cross-section plane:
1) You can define the plane parametrically:
- Origin X, Y, and Z are the coordinates of a point on the plane (plane origin).
- The first angle
is the angle between the plane and the ground plane.
- The second one
is the angle of the plane around the z-axis.
2) Define the plane interactively with the Set plane:
- Horizontal lets you define a horizontal plane based on a chosen location on the viewport. To fine-tune the height of a horizontal plane, adjust the Origin Z value.
- Use Vertical to generate a vertical plane based on two user-defined points. You can then fine-tune the rotation angle
- Use Free to produce a plane based on three user-defined points.
- Parallel lets you move the current plane parallel in either direction.
3) Use Copy from plane to restore plane parameters from a previously created plane.
4) Use Copy from section to restore plane parameters from a previously created section.
Press Create, and the plane will be added to the Object List as an individual plane object.
Starting with NUBIGON v6.0.0, a cross-section plane only cuts the scene after it has been created.
An already created plane can be further transformed using manipulators.