Release Notes v 4.1.1

Modified on Wed, 24 Aug, 2022 at 2:22 PM

v.4.1.1. Release (June 05, 2019)


  • Added generating octrees from multiple E57 files.
  • Added generating octrees from colorless E57 files.
  • Added the option to skip colorless scan positions of E57 files.
  • Added support for the latest FARO SCENE Project files (*.lsproj).
  • Added support for MTL (material) files (for OBJ files).
  • Added specular reflection support for phong illumination materials.
  • Added support for PNG texture format.


  • Simplified octree generation settings.


  • Change the color of all selected layers simultaneously.
  • Change visibility of all selected objects (and recursively of their children) simultaneously.
  • Extended selection support in the Material Editor.
  • Simultaneous editing of selected fields of Transform Attributes group.
  • Progress bar support for mesh import.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a crash issue when computing a loft mesh from circles with a small tesselation count.
  • Fixed a crash issue when deleting curves.
  • Fixed issues when joining and exploding curves with children objects.
  • Default materials are always on top of the Material Editor.
  • Fixed compatibility issues of scene files (*.na) generated in NUBIGON v4.0.1 and later.
  • Save Scene supports point clouds and sections again.
  • Fixed a delay issue when deleting many objects.
  • Fixed point cloud import and octree generation issues when file extensions are written in uppercase.
  • Fixed save scene issues when importing point clouds or meshes into the scene from a hard drive other than the one NUBIGON is installed on.