Focus on Selected
Click the icon to move the camera to focus on the selected objects in the scene. If no objects are selected in the Object List, the camera focuses on all objects in the scene. Alternatively, use the keyboard shortcut F to focus. When opening a point cloud, the camera will automatically focus on the opened point cloud.
Align Camera 
Click the icon and then select one of the two modes.
Vertical alignment: Left-click twice in the viewport to define two points. These two points define a vertical plane. The camera's view aligns with the plane's normal. The center of these points becomes the new viewport center.
This tool is particularly useful for creating facade orthophotos.
Free alignment: Left-click three times in the viewport to define three points. The camera's view aligns with the normal of the plane defined by these points. The center of the points becomes the new viewport center.
Reset View 
Click the icon to return the camera to its default position and orientation.
Set Pivot 
Click the icon and then left-click in the viewport. The camera moves so that the clicked point becomes the new viewport center. In the orbit mode, the point also becomes the new rotation center.
Look Through Selected 
Select a camera in the Object List and click this icon to view the scene from the camera's viewpoint. The name of the active camera is displayed on the bottom center of the viewport.