Open point cloud(s)

Modified on Tue, 2 Jul at 2:26 PM

NEW: With NUBIGON v620, we now support classified point clouds in LAS and LAZ formats.

When opening point clouds for the first time, NUBIGON generates a highly efficient data structure (octree) and completes processing tasks for better visual quality and performance. This only needs to be done once. In subsequent instances, you’ll be able to open the octree instantaneously regardless of data volume.


Step 1: Pick dataset from File > Open Point Cloud(s)

To open point clouds, press File > Open Point Cloud(s) and choose point cloud file(s).

NUBIGON currently supports E57LAS, LAZ, XYZ, TXT, PTS, RCS, and RCP files.  

When opening XYZ, TXT, and PTS files, you will first be prompted to verify the channels in the ASCII file dialogue. If necessary, make adjustments and press OK. 

Step 2: Configure Octree Generation Settings

Next, you will be prompted with the following Octree Generation Settings:

Octree name

(optional) You can change the name of the octree file.

Offset type

NUBIGON utilizes a local coordinate system for efficient GPU use but always preserves the original coordinates of your data. The drop-down menu Offset type provides three options: Origin, Reference, and User.

  • If your data has large coordinates, offset to the Origin to avoid display artifacts.
  • To apply the offset vector of another point cloud, choose Reference and select the relevant point cloud. The default of this parameter is the Last point cloud you opened, but from the drop-down, you can choose any other octree already open in the scene. See this article to learn how to open multiple point clouds of the same site and use the Reference option.
  • Choose User to apply a custom offset vector.


  • Read intensity: If selected, the intensity values of the point cloud will be preserved.
  • Compute normals: Select this option for enhanced visual quality and precision.
  • Smoothness: This parameter controls the roughness of the generated model. Higher values produce more smooth models.
  • Color size: Some 3rd party software packages incorrectly export LAS files with 8-bit colors instead of 16-bit (as outlined in the LAS specs). NUBIGON automatically detects the bit depth of the stored color values by default. If the resulting octree is still colorless, regenerate the octree by choosing the 8-bit option. 
  • Read classification: If the input LAS or LAZ file(s) contain classification values, choose this option to separate the point cloud into many smaller point clouds, each representing a different class.

Step 3: Explore Object Inspector

Once the octree generation is complete, it will be displayed in the viewport and listed in the Object List. 

Toggle  to hide/show the octree in the viewport.

Select the octree to view and edit its various attributes in the Object Inspector

Transform Attributes

You can change the object's translation, rotation, and scaling parameters in the Transform Attributes. Any transformation of the octree using manipulators will also be reflected in this section. 

Object Attributes

Expand the Object Attributes to list the following: 

  • Number of points included in the octree
  • Availability of normal vectors: These are either calculated during the octree generation process (see above) or read from 3rd-party sources
  • Availability of intensity values: If the original point cloud contains intensity values and the user has enabled Read intensity in the advanced settings, they will be available in the octree.
  • Offset vector: This is the offset applied during octree generation. Correctly opened point clouds from the same site and coordinate system should have the same offset vector. 

Material Attributes

When you open a point cloud, a material is automatically generated and assigned to the point cloud. In the Material Attributes, you can view and edit the material settings. 

You can also create and re-assign materials to point clouds from the Material Attributes.

Color SourceExpand the Color Source to change the colorization method of the point cloud.

Learn more about point cloud display modes and color sources. 


Any remaining questions? Check out our FAQ on opening point clouds.