Animation with changing materials

Modified on Mon, 24 Feb at 7:05 AM

You can produce videos with changing material or visibility settings by rendering MP4 videos (or image sequences) in NUBIGON and stitching them together in a third-party video editing software. Here's how: 

Step 1: Create an animation and render it once for each material/visibility configuration. 

  • Create an animation and set the desired frames per second (FPS). 
  • Render the first MP4 video or image sequence with the current object visibility/material settings. 
  • Adjust the visibility/material settings, keep the same FPS and render settings, and export another video or image sequence. 
  • Repeat this process for as many different object visibility/materials settings as you desire. 

Step 2: Import and stitch with video editing software. 

  • Next, use video editing software like Adobe Premiere Pro to stitch those MP4 videos (or image sequences) together. 
  • If importing image sequences, specify the frame rate you used in NUBIGON. 
  • Then, stitch them together, define the transitions, and render the final video.